Last Will & Testament - Frequently Asked Questions in the UK

What is a Last Will & Testament?  A Last Will and Testament is a legal document that outlines your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets and the care of any dependents that…

Last Will & Testament Glossary

Why you need a Last Will & Testament Making a Will is a way of showing that you really care about whoever is left behind and that you have done your best to leave your property and finances in the most thoughtful way possible. Whether or not…

Video calling software can now be used when witnessing Last Will & Testament's

Every Last Will & Testament needs to be signed and witnessed by at least two people who are not beneficiaries of the estate for it to be legally binding. The Government has now introduced legislation that allows people to use…

MyWishes Hard Drive

How to keep your documents safe (and accessible)

Overview It is extremely important that you keep you Last Will and Testament and your other end of life documents in a safe place. Whether you store your files electronically or virtually you should tell someone where they are stored in order for…

Why you should have a Last Will & Testament

“A Will should cover all of your assets be they valuable or not so valuable. And remember it is often the possessions that have little or no monetary value can cause conflict when a loved one dies. It is therefore paramount that all our…

How to make your Last Will & Testament legally binding in the UK

To make your Last Will & Testament legally binding in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales you will need to have the document signed by yourself and witnessed by two people over the age of 18. The witnesses cannot be beneficiaries of…