My Funeral Playlist

How to create and share your funeral playlist on MyWishes

What is a funeral playlist? A funeral playlist is a collection of songs and poems that someone would like to be played, sung or spoken at someone’s funeral. Why should I create a funeral playlist? If music is an…

Bucket list App

How to create a Bucket List on MyWishes

Overview A bucket list is a list of items someone would like to do or achieve before they die. The phrase originates from the term “kicked the bucket”. Creating a Bucket List No matter our age, financial or health circumstances we…

My Profile - MyWishes Software

How to make your public MyWishes profile, private!

The documents created on MyWishes are private. Once completed they can be downloaded and shared with those you trust within your friendship group, with family members of professionals (for example your doctor, a solicitor or your appointed funeral…

MyWishes Hard Drive

How to keep your documents safe (and accessible)

Overview It is extremely important that you keep you Last Will and Testament and your other end of life documents in a safe place. Whether you store your files electronically or virtually you should tell someone where they are stored in order for…

Bespoke funeral

How to arrange a funeral

“It takes a few minutes to plan out a funeral. You’ll want to do what the person who has died wanted. And, together with those closest to the person who has died, you will also want to do what you feel you need to do”. – Charles…

Why you need a Social Media Will (sometimes called a Digital Will)

“People should leave clear instructions about what should happen to their social media, computer games and other online accounts after their death, according to the law society “– The Law Society (UK) “If you have social media profiles…

What is an Advance Care Plan

Why you should have an Advance Care Plan

What is an Advance Care Plan Advance care plans are a set of directions and preferences concerning someone’s future care. They are often documented whilst someone is healthy and only take effect if they lose capacity of their body or mind.  …

Why you should have a Last Will & Testament

“A Will should cover all of your assets be they valuable or not so valuable. And remember it is often the possessions that have little or no monetary value can cause conflict when a loved one dies. It is therefore paramount that all our…