Last Will & Testament - Frequently Asked Questions in the UK

What is a Last Will & Testament?  A Last Will and Testament is a legal document that outlines your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets and the care of any dependents that…

How to send funeral invitations by email

OverviewInviting people to a funeral can be a stressful and a daunting task. Speaking to close friends and family members face to face is often the most appropriate way to invite loved one’s to a funeral once a date has been set. Sending…


How to 'tag' physical photos

Where the term 'tagging' came fromThe term ‘tagging’ is rooted in graffiti culture and was adopted in the late 1970s. Graffiti artists would ‘tag’ their name or their alias name on walls, trains and other public places in…

Use Spotify to decide which songs should be played at someone's funeral

OverviewDeciding which songs to have played at your own funeral can be difficult (if you haven’t documented your own funeral playlist you might find MyWishes free ‘Funeral Playlist‘ feature of value). It can be even more difficult…

How to create a video to be played at a funeral, wake or memorial service using PowerPoint

Memorial Video tutorialThis video tutorial provides a step by step guide showing how to create a memorial video using photos and PowerPoint (no other software is needed). This very simple tutorial will highlight how you can create a video that might…

The Postural Care Passport

The Postural Care Passport The Postural Care Passport digitises traditional, postural assessment documents and enables high quality photos and videos to be added to postural assessments. Content might include detailed visual and audio descriptions…

LPA - clare fuller

How to assign a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

Lasting Power of Attorney: making sure the people you trust the most, can make decisions that matter the most   In this guest post, Clare Fuller talks about the importance of making a Lasting Power of Attorney. Clare Fuller RGN MSc is a…

Design your own Coat of Arms

What is a Coat of Arms? Coat of Arms have been used for centuries as a badge to represent a number of things about a group of people. This can include interests, weather, faith etc. A coat of arms is often associated with geographical regions,…

How to backup a complete archive of your MyWishes data.

How to backup a complete archive of your dataMyWishes helps society make plans for the people and the things that are important to them. In order for us to provide this service, information is entered and uploaded to our platform. Each…

How to plan for death digitally

How to plan for death digitally!This week is Dying Matters Awareness Week. During the course of the week, a different subject matter has been explored and it's importance discussed each day. Today planning for death 'digitally' is being examined by…

Video calling software can now be used when witnessing Last Will & Testament's

Every Last Will & Testament needs to be signed and witnessed by at least two people who are not beneficiaries of the estate for it to be legally binding. The Government has now introduced legislation that allows people to use…

MyWishes - Event Dying Matters Awareness Week

Free Webinar: How to plan for death without leaving the sofa

Most people have not stated what they would like to happen should they die unexpectedly or lose capacity to look after themselves. This ultimately means that most people have not made plans for their possessions, estate and their loved ones. It is…

Video message

Leaving a "Goodbye" Video message using MyWishes

Overview More and more people are filming videos of themselves to be shown after their death. These can be hugely powerful ways to both say” goodbye” and leave a lasting video legacy. DeadSocial’s free ‘goodbye’ tool…

social media will

Digital Legacy Checklist

Overview The actions we take, the way we behave and the choices we make in life help to shape the legacy we leave behind in death. These actions are increasingly being carried out and overtly spoken about online. By thinking about our digital…

My Funeral Wishes document

How to find someone's 'My Funeral Wishes' document

This guide will first help you to understand what different formats ‘My Funeral Wishes’ documents can be saved as. It will then provide advice as to how to find someone’s document if you think they had stated their funeral wishes…

My Funeral Playlist

How to create and share your funeral playlist on MyWishes

What is a funeral playlist? A funeral playlist is a collection of songs and poems that someone would like to be played, sung or spoken at someone’s funeral. Why should I create a funeral playlist? If music is an…

Bucket list App

How to create a Bucket List on MyWishes

Overview A bucket list is a list of items someone would like to do or achieve before they die. The phrase originates from the term “kicked the bucket”. Creating a Bucket List No matter our age, financial or health circumstances we…

My Profile - MyWishes Software

How to make your public MyWishes profile, private!

The documents created on MyWishes are private. Once completed they can be downloaded and shared with those you trust within your friendship group, with family members of professionals (for example your doctor, a solicitor or your appointed funeral…

MyWishes Hard Drive

How to keep your documents safe (and accessible)

Overview It is extremely important that you keep you Last Will and Testament and your other end of life documents in a safe place. Whether you store your files electronically or virtually you should tell someone where they are stored in order for…

Bespoke funeral

How to arrange a funeral

“It takes a few minutes to plan out a funeral. You’ll want to do what the person who has died wanted. And, together with those closest to the person who has died, you will also want to do what you feel you need to do”. – Charles…

Why you need a Social Media Will (sometimes called a Digital Will)

“People should leave clear instructions about what should happen to their social media, computer games and other online accounts after their death, according to the law society “– The Law Society (UK) “If you have social media profiles…

Lawrence Darani

How to create an ethical will

What is an ethical will?   “Unlike a ‘last will and testament’ disposing of one’s estate or an advanced directive for health care decisions, an ethical will is not legally binding. Rather, a good ethical will transmits values, life lessons,…